JMeter Integration with InfluxDB 2.0

In my last article, we have seen JMeter Integration with InfluxDB and Grafana using Docker. We have used InfluxDB 1.8.3. This article talks about JMeter Integration with InfluxDB 2.0, because its little tricky in JMeter.

What’s new in InfluxDB 2.0?

InfluxDB 2.0 Open Source is GA last month (November 2020). InfluxDB 2.0 contains single binary to get started, and its secure by default, meaning every request accompanied by a token, new query language Flux and more.


  1. Docker
  2. Apache JMeter 5.4

As usual, this setup has been tested in Windows 10 Pro. But it should work in other OS as well.

Let’s get started

InfluxDB 2.0 Set up

You cannot install InfluxDB 2.0 natively in Windows OS. You must rely on Docker (at this moment of writing). To spin up InfluxDB 2.0 container, use the below command.

docker run -d -p 9002:8086

We are spinning up the container in the detached mode in the port 9002.

Launch http://localhost:9002 in your favorite browser.

Set up the initial user by filling the username, organization, and initial bucket name and then click on Continue. This will create a new bucket jmeter.

JMeter Integration with InfluxDB 2.0
JMeter Integration with InfluxDB 2.0

Congratulations on spinning up InfluxDB 2.0.

InfluxDB 2.0
InfluxDB 2.0

To integrate with JMeter, we need to token. Navigate to Data > Tokens, click on Generate > Read/Write Token as shown below.

Creating a Token
Creating a Token

Enter the description, select the scope for the bucket jmeter and then click on Save.

Generate Token
Generate Token

Click on the token name to copy the generated token.

Copy Token
Copy Token

JMeter Set up

Launch JMeter, and open the test plan which you will be executing. Add a backend listener by right clicking on Thread Group > Add > Listener > Backend Listener.

In this integration we are going to select InfluxDBRawBackendListenerClient. This is one of the JMeter 5.4 feature.

Backend Listener
Backend Listener

InfluxDBRawBackendListenerClient uses more resources both in JMeter and InfluxDB as it streams all the results to InfluxDB.

Below are the parameters that needs to be configured.

Backend Listener Parameters
Backend Listener Parameters
  • influxdbMetricsSender as org.apache.jmeter.visualizers.backend.influxdb.HttpMetricsSender
  • influxdbUrl as http://localhost:9002/api/v2/write?org=qainsights&bucket=jmeter
  • influxdbToken as the value copied from InfluxDB
  • measurement as jmeter (see Line Protocol)

Save your test plan and start your JMeter test in CLI mode.

Go to Influx and navigate to Data Explorer. You could see your JMeter performance stats real time.

Data Explorer
Data Explorer

Below is the configuration if you would like to use the Backend Listener Client. Please make sure that you have added influxdbToken.

Influx DB Backend Listener
Influx DB Backend Listener

For the above configuration , you will get percentile measurements in InfluxDB.

InfluxDB 2.0 Visualization
InfluxDB 2.0 Visualization

Grafana Integration

If you do not want to use InfluxDB 2.0 visualization, you can integrate in Grafana. Launch Grafana and navigate to Data Sources. Check my last post about how to add Data Source in Grafana.

In the Data Sources page, configure the below settings.

Grafana and InfluxDB 2.0 Integration
Grafana and InfluxDB 2.0 Integration

The difference between Influx 1.8.3 vs Influx 2.0 set up is: the Query Language and Connection details.

Please make sure you select Flux as Query Language and the connection is the docker container IP address.

To read the docker container IP address, enter the below command.

docker container inspect <container_id> | grep -i ipaddress

container_id is the influx db container ID.

The default port of InfluxDB is 8086.

Also, make sure you are configuring the Token.

Click on Save & Test which will retrieve the bucket(s).

Navigate to Explore and select the database and enter the below query and hit Run Query.

from(bucket: "jmeter")
  |> range(start: v.timeRangeStart, stop: v.timeRangeStop)
  |> filter(fn: (r) => r["_measurement"] == "jmeter")
  |> filter(fn: (r) => r["_field"] == "pct95.0")
  |> filter(fn: (r) => r["transaction"] == "T00_Home" or r["transaction"] == "T10_Search" or r["transaction"] == "T20_AddToCart")
  |> filter(fn: (r) => r["application"] == "InfluxDB 2.0 Integration")
  |> filter(fn: (r) => r["statut"] == "ok")
  |> aggregateWindow(every: v.windowPeriod, fn: mean, createEmpty: false)
  |> yield(name: "mean")
Grafana Visualization
Grafana Visualization

Final Words

InfluxDB 2.0 integration with JMeter powers up your performance test monitoring to the next level. By having powerful dashboards and monitoring them while the test is running helps you to debug the issues quicker.

The JMeter help documentation instructions didn’t help me in integrating InfluxDB 2.0. But the above configuration makes the integration easy.

About the Author

11 thoughts on “JMeter Integration with InfluxDB 2.0”

  1. Hi Navven, thanks for the good instructions.

    With the Raw listener I get my transactions per sampler as wanted, with the influxlistener I only get an “all” checkbox with status and transaction, no detail steps.

    Any idea why? I tried to place the listener in different places in the testpla, but no difference.

    Regards Thomas

  2. Hi Naveen,

    Can you guide me how to configure Gatling with InfluxDB2 and Grafana. As I learned as of now we cannot input the Gatling data straight away to InfluxDB2 and we need the Telegraf plugin.

    I configured telegraf->Influxdb2->Grafan but still I didn’t get the data from Gatling. I configured the gatling.conf as instructed by the official realtime monitoring guide by Gatling.

    Note : I’m running telegraf, influxdb2 and Grafana on a docker.

  3. Hi there
    It seems I’ve been looking for answers all over the Internet. So the question is:
    how could I transfer custom metrics from JMeter to InfluxDB? For example, if I use JSR223 Sampler and there is calculating of some variable. I need to take this variable and push it through Backend Listener to InfluxDB. Would you give me some ideas of doing this?

    • Hi Alex,

      vars.put(“Metric”,”pass the fields which you want to store along with timestamp”)

      vars.put(“Metric”,”MeasurementName, usercount=01, usersfailed=8, userspassed=10, ${__time()}000000″)

      Then, invoke InfluxDB endpoint with post method.


      ${Metric} — Body

      As part of the headers, send the below info

      Authorization Token adadad&^%&*
      Content-Type text/plain;charset=utf-8

  4. Any dashboard available to visualize the Jmeter metrics scraped through influx 2.0 ? Old dashboards no longer with influx 2.0. Any thoughts ?

  5. Hi ..Thanks for the excellent explanation. I am currently facing one issue, not getting “Jmeter” in measurement in influx db on data explorer page . Any idea how this can be resolved


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