Types of TruClient Editions

Did you know? There are three types of TruClient editions available with HPE. Please do not write/mention ‘TruClient’ as ‘TrueClient’. Always write/mention ‘TruClient’ title case letters. In this article, we are going to see about types of TruClient editions.

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What is TruClient?

TruClient is a type of protocol available in HPE VuGen package to record and replay the business scenarios for load testing and monitoring the performance. It communicates with the applications on the GUI layer.

Types of TruClient editions

There are three editions available with HPE:

  1. TruClient Lite
  2. TruClient Standalone
  3. TruClient in VuGen
Types of TruClient Editions
Types of TruClient Editions

TruClient Lite

TruClient Lite is a chrome add-on where you can install it in your Mac or PC to developer the scripts. It has limited functionalities, you cannot use all the features of TruClient in VuGen or Standalone editions. E.g. There is no log viewer, NV Analytics, convert script to HTTP/HTML, insert transactions etc.

TruClient Standalone

You can install TruClient standalone version whether you installed VuGen or not. It is a 310.4 MB file which is available to download in HPLN. It is available only for PC and the version is 12.53. It got updated recently, please do check it out.

TruClient in VuGen

This edition will get installed along with whole VuGen package. It has complete features and supports TruClient Web, Mobile Web, and Native Mobile.

What are all the measures available in TruClient?

TruClient emulates a real human behavior on the browser. The critical measurement is end-to-end user time i.e. Complete rendering time.

Apart from rendering time, it will show you the component breakdown time, hits, throughput, connections, HAR files and if you enabled Profiling, it will display JS time, network time, wait time and total time.

Your turn: Are you working on single page applications? How is your experience with TruClient protocol.

About the Author

1 thought on “Types of TruClient Editions”

  1. TruClient is an easy way when it comes to scripting phase. But it’s a resource hungry protocol so we would have to have a powerful load generators.


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