How to configure recording settings in JMeter?

How to configure recording settings in JMeter? If you are using Apache JMeter in your corporate network, then you would have faced multiple issues in configuring the recording settings to record and replay your application under test. In this blog article, we shall see what challenges you will face and how to resolve it in Apache JMeter.

Restrictions in Corporate Network

Most of the Fortune firms will have complex security policies in place to mitigate the cyber attacks. On contrast, startups will have employee friendly security policies. E.g. to get an administrator access to your laptop or desktop, you may need to go thru multiple approvals in top tier companies. But whereas, if you are working in a startup company, you might get it immediately.

Pro Tip: Always use the latest version of JMeter

If you are working on a performance testing tool evaluation, you may face below restrictions:

  1. Lack of access in installing new tools/software
  2. Lack of access in changing the internet proxy settings
  3. Lack of access in installing browsers
  4. Lack of access in installing browser add ons or utilities
How to configure recording settings in JMeter?
How to configure recording settings in JMeter?

Issues you may face during tool evaluation

During the inception phase of tool evaluation, you will face issues in accessing the application, configuring the JMeter tool, and distributed testing in JMeter. This article will not focus on distributed testing in JMeter.

Accessing the application

Most of the applications you are working will be hosted in the corporate network. But if the application hosted in the internet or private/public cloud, you may need to access it via the proxy. You might not have the access to change the internet proxy in the browser settings as per the security policies in corporate network.

Configuring the JMeter

How to configure recording settings in JMeter?

To access the applications behind the proxy, you need to launch JMeter behind proxy. JMeter respects proxy settings. Here is the syntax you need to use in the command prompt.

jmeter -H my.proxy.server -P 8000 -u username -a password -N localhost

In my.proxy.server, no need to give the complete PAC file name. E.g. if you have then you need to give only

In some instances, you will face issues even if you are sending the proxy in the command line.

To overcome the issues, configure the below settings in `` file.

http.proxyHost = yourcompanyproxy

http.proxyPort = yourcompanyproxy

https.proxyHost = yourcompanyproxy

https.proxyPort = yourcompanyproxy

If you want to set up non-proxy hosts, you can set below properties.

http.nonProxyHosts = yournonproxyhost

https.nonProxyHosts = yournonproxyhost

Once the above settings are done, you can configure the recording settings in HTTP(S) Test Recorder element. Without configuring the `` you will not be able to record applications in the corporate network.

Your turn: Please share your experience what issues you faced in your corporate network.

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